Saturday 13 February 2016


Another incredibly week!

This week was really surprising. Not only did I learn new things about how our climate is changing in the poles and how important is the impact of human activities in the emission of  CO2, but also I realized what is happening in other parts of the world thanks to the other students who took part in this course.

It is easy to understand that something important is happening in our climate just looking at the Arctic. The Arctic is the region that has changed more because of the combination of greenhouse gasses and ice albedo feedback. Normally, most people knows that the Arctic is melting due to the effect of greenhouse gasses but citizens do not realize that the Antarctic is also suffering the effects of climate change. So, it was an enormous effort to search more information abour Antarctic.

What really impressed me was the predictions about how spain will rise its temperature almost 4ºC in the future and the carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere, they have risen to 402ppm. I felt some relief when I saw in the World Bank web site that in my country the amount of emissions had descended since 2007. But, I feel that we can actually do more, we need to change before it is too late.

Climate change is a terrible problem, and it absolutely needs to be solved. It deserves to be a huge priority.
The global warning isn't a prediction. It is happening.




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