Thursday 28 January 2016


Our climate is a system that it is controlled by positive and negative feedbacks as well as natural cycles.

As a system, we can distinguish 5 key components ( the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, cryosphere and lithosphere ). These components intetract between them through a series of cycles that link every component to another.

There are a lot of natural cycles, but a good example is the water cycle.In the picture below you can observe how it works.

To determine the climate state of the Earth is needed to undesrtand the feedbacks that operate in the climate system. There are 3 key feedbacks, water vapour feedback, ice albedo feedback and the radiation feedback.

The water vapor feedback is a positive feedback (in a mathematical way) and has three components: temperature, evaporation and water vapour. If we incresase the temperature, the evaporation increases.

The ice albedo feedback has a significant influence on the climate. The ice reflects so much solar radiation back to the atmosphere because it has a high albedo. On the other hand, the ocean tends to absorb more that it reflects because it has a low albedo, for this reason the ocean is heating. This means that the warming of the ocean will melt the sea ice.

The last feedback is the radiation feedback, it is a good example of negative feedback. It works by cooling an object when the temperature is rising. All objects give off radiation, but the warmer a body is the more radiation it gives off.

To sump up, climate can be conceived as a system that involves different components. The mixture of positive and negative feedbacks cooperates to a self-regulation of the climate system.

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