Wednesday 27 January 2016


I enjoyed this article from NASA, it explains breafly what are the causes of the current global warming.

NASA’s article A blanket around the Earth

Greenhouse gases act as a thermal blanket for the Earth. Most of them are surrounding us, for example methane is a gas produced by human activities like agriculture, carbon dioxide is associated to industrial activities and burning fossil fuels, nitrous oxide is a gas produced by soil cultivations practices, CFC's are used in industrial applications but the most abundant greenhouse gas is water vapour that has a great impact in the Earth's atmosphere warm but it also acts like a feedback mechanism to the climate which will be explained later.


The globalisation is a fact and not only do greenhouse gases cause a harmful effect  but also the human activities contribute to warm the planet. The industrial activities have raised atmospheric dioxide level during the last 250 years.

Finally, It's reasonable to assume that the sun's energy can cause the climate change but several evidences show that since 1750 the amount of energy coming from the sun remained constant and if the activity of the sun causes the warming, then we would expect to see warmer temperatures in all layers of the atmosphere and that is not happening.

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